完美的1997年份 Le Macchiole成绩不错
时间:2014-08-28 10:46:42 来源:酒云网 作者:酒云网

选自 http://www.winespectator.com/webfeature/show/id/The-Best-1997s-_563

James Suckling “品尝到来自托斯卡纳的传奇1997年份超过700种不同的葡萄酒,在过去三年中,我发现15款值得被值得称为顶级葡萄酒一定会称为经典,就像波尔多和加州好年份顶级葡萄酒很多葡萄酒存放4年或者5年就开始走下坡路,而他们不得不增加存放的时间来提升酒的实力。”

The Best 1997s

By James Suckling

After having tasted more than 700 different wines from Tuscany's legendary 1997 vintage over the past three years, I have found 15 that deserve to be called the top wines of the vintage. These are sure to become classics, just like the top wines from great vintages of Bordeaux and California. All need another four or five years of bottle age to soften the rough edges of youth, but they have the potential to improve for years.

Toscana Messorio 1997
97 points
$85 on release
170 cases produced
50 cases imported into the United States

When it comes to Merlot produced in the Bolgheri region of Tuscany, Ornellaia is generally the first wine that comes to mind. But the limited-production Merlot of Le Macchiole Messorio, made across the street from Ornellaia, is often even better. Eugenio Campolmi gets amazing quality from his relatively young vines (most are about six years old). He says that the key is to keep yields to a minimum in order to get the most concentration possible. The 1997 shows fabulous exotic fruit, with full body and a fine tannin structure.

Toscana Scrio 1997
96 points
$75 on release
125 cases produced
50 cases imported into the United States

Another tiny-production red from Le Macchiole, Scrio proves that Syrah has a future in Bolgheri. Owner Eugenio Campolmi grows just under 4 acres of Syrah on his small estate; he believes that it may make his most exciting wines. The 1997 Scrio is an extremely polished Syrah with wonderful berry, licorice and blackberry character. It's a wine with excellent aging potential.



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