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WSET Diploma 分科目攻略 第一单元

陈微然 2014.03.31



WSET Diploma 的学制通常为两年,每个学期学习三个单元并考试。

第一单元 世界葡萄酒格局

第二单元 种植酿造

第三单元 世界葡萄酒

第四单元 烈酒

第五单元 加强酒

第六单元 起泡酒




考试前一定一定要确定自己的local Market本土市场是哪个国家,这个尤其重要。这个本土市场并非按照你的国籍确定,而是按照你App所在的国家。不确定一定要问问,因为一旦本土市场弄错,很有可能写跑题直接挂掉。在香港上课的可以选择中国或者香港市场,找最好找资料的国家写。


Understanding your local market for sparkling wine

Recent events suggest tough times continue to lie ahead for those involved in various sections of the wine trade in many markets, from production through to retail. In difficult or challenging times, having the right product is crucial to success. It is therefore the ideal time to review existing strategies, brands and product lines.

The sparkling wine market is perhaps more volatile than other sectors. It has enjoyed periods of phenomenal growth, but is nevertheless a sector where fierce price cutting within the retail sector often attracts criticism as damaging to the “elitism” of the sparkling wine category. On the other hand, this volatility does show how resilient the sparkling wine market is, and with the diversity of products available to the consumer it should be possible for the right product to succeed almost irrespective of the state of the market. A key question, of course, is “what is the right product”? How do you go about identifying the gap in the market and bringing the product to fruition?

Clearly, if one is to succeed with any new sparkling wine product launch, it is crucial to have a detailed understanding of the local market for sparkling wine. This not only means knowing about volume sales by style and price point, but also studying significant trends, for example over the last 10 years. Without this full understanding of the market in which you operate, any new product development is likely to be flawed.

不会出太细关于本土市场产品的问题,因为要考虑到世界各地都有Wset app,有些地方可能不产起泡酒。所以问的问题一定以市场状况和销售情况有关。


1. What kind of difficulties does your market encountered

2. What is the existing strategies, brands, product lines of your market,

volume sales by style and price point

3. Examples of fierce price cutting of sparkling wine in your market, whether

it damages the images of the product

4. Whether there are phenomenal growth for sparkling wine in your local market

5. What is the trend of your local market for sparkling wine (brand? Style ?

Price?) over the last 10 years.

Potential question :写英文啰嗦,换中文

1. 对本土市场起泡酒状况的综述 (有可能顺便世界起泡酒市场概况,数据最好准备几个)

2. 根据本土市场起泡酒销售状况,提出一款有可能在本土市场火起来的新产品。

(dentifying the gap in the market,what is the right product”)–文章中的提示语

3. 题目中给出一个起泡酒酒款,分析它在你的本土市场成功的可能性

4. 举例指出一个“Right product”在某个市场红火的原因(比如Bellini),分析它是否能在本土市场成功

5. 是否有反例,因为没有做好本土市场调查,新品上市不成功的案例

(Without this full understanding of the market in which you operate, any

new product development is likely to be flawed)–文章中的提示语


Just drinks


Harpers (主要针对英国市场)



如果能够找到杂志可以翻翻 (过往期刊的大专题真的特别好)

Wine spectator


关于市场状况可以打电话问问当地的酒商朋友,或者看看当地酒商的网站,总结他们卖的什么产品,大概价位和降价份额。看看各个星级酒店网络上的酒单,去几间饭店吃饭顺便问问侍酒师~ (看到文章的相关人士,如果接到这种电话,也请帮个忙)

闭卷论文基本不会挂,但必须要注意引用数字和陈述事实,论据一定要充足。要求跟大学论文一样,有理有据。我当年写的是Brunello di montalcino, prosecco, pinot Grigio 红火的原因,以及预测有可能红火的两款其他的葡萄酒。为这论文我特意去了Vinitaly, 采访了各区的行业协会,和产区的顶级酒庄,从跟他们的聊天之中获得了不少灵感,同时拿到了第一手资料数据。









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