Viognier不是Chardonnay那样的千变娇娃,没有Sauvignon Blanc自然大方,也展现不出Riesling般成熟,她来自贫瘠干燥多石的土壤,个性时而强烈时而妩媚,又似甜美的女孩会怀揣杏桃的芳香,同时会散发气质女郎具有的香水感,又兼具花一般的瑞泽。Viognier不会即刻让你陶醉,而是要慢慢体会她的魅力。虽然也有人会暗嗔Viognier难种植,也会抱怨大部分的Viognier没有陈年潜力且价格不菲,但钟爱V小姐的我还是义无返顾地强调每个葡萄都有自己的吸引之处,无非是你倾向哪一枚,没有对与不对,只有适合与不适合。在此笔者与各位漫谈一下Viognier小姐。
在1965至1968年,Viognier起初在法国北隆河谷的Condrieu法定产区只有区区的8公顷的种植区(也有说12公顷,一般估量为8至15公顷)。据说,Viognier葡萄已由古罗马的Dalmatia地方带入当时的高卢差不多已达2000多年,可谓历史悠久,值得一提的是2004年DNA验证发现意大利 Piedmont的Freisa葡萄以及大家所熟知的Nebiolo都是Viognier的“亲戚”。随后的种植面积也逐步开始增加,1986年20公顷,1990年40公顷,1995年至80公顷,到了2000年为108公顷,时至今日,虽然种植Viognier的情况越来越多,但也仅仅徘徊在200公顷左右。全法Viognier被广泛种植在近Avignon 的Vienne(法国的维也纳,非奥地利),里昂南部,Valence,以及地中海沿岸的法国南部Languedoc-Roussillon大区,甚至科西嘉岛的高地上也能发现。2006年的全法的Viognier种植面积达到3250公顷。起初快要灭绝的Viognier突然涅槃重生,现在广泛种植,怪不得Rhys Pender MW比喻她为一夜暴富的灰姑娘。
Viogner较难生长种植,早发芽但晚熟,又不能过早采摘,必须等果实充分成熟,才能得到高质量的Viognier,若过早采收,则其芳香物质不能完全发展;若过晚采收,则丧失其本身的香水质感,这也是viognier最迷人之处。修剪期也非常长,由于其藤蔓枝叶部分茂盛,所以比较适用同时Closing Space的方式进行间距栽种,密度较高。Viognier又极容易受白粉霉菌感染(Powdery Mildew)。法国北隆河谷的Cote-Rotie和Condrieu是享负盛名的Viognier产区,北隆河谷的大陆性气候、春霜以及隆河谷的密斯托拉风(Mistral)都会对Viognier的种植产生影响。昼夜温差大,湿度,降雨,种植密度过高等使病菌易侵入;Viognier对风较为敏感,需要搭建支架绑定防止吹落,不过阿尔卑斯山寒冷干燥的密斯托拉风(Mistral)对地中海气候的南隆河谷的Viognier能起到炎热夏日后降温的作用(过高的温度会使葡萄过快成熟,丧失新鲜度),干燥空气,风力又可减轻病虫害。
In France, Viognier is most often propagated on 110R rootstock. In the United States,Teleki 5C, SO4, 3309C, and 101-14 Mgt rootstocks are used in coastal regions. In inland valleys and on fertile soils, Freedom, Kober 5BB, SO4, Teleki 5C, 110R, and 101- 14 Mgt are all good choices depending on spacing, trellising, and soils.
酿造方面,Viognier酸度低,是很少使用苹果酸-乳酸发酸(Malolactic Fermentation,MLF),对于是否使用MLF,在酒界也是一个十分有趣的争议话题,建议使用或部分使用的拥护者认为可以更丰富地增加Viognier的饱满度以及如同Chardonnay一样,带来油脂感黄油般的风味;反方则认为本身就已经低酸高酒精度的Viognier经过苹果酸分解会让酒体失去平衡,松弛,缺乏果味。大多数Viognier用不锈钢桶发酵保持果味,不过桶或部分陈酿旧橡木桶,少数有不错的陈年潜力,多以法国隆河谷,因此有人说Viognier是“The most expensive early drinking wine in the world.” 在新世界,酿造时会有更多的搅桶batonnage以增加酒体。
英语原文(可供WSET4学习者参考使用)The variety is identified as follows:
- the tip of the young branch shows a medium to high density of flat hairs,
- young, green leaves with slightly bronze areas,
- light green or mid-green adult leaves that are small or medium-sized, orbicular with three or five lobes, with an open to not very open leafstalk sinus, lower lateral sinuses that are not very deep, average-sized serrations with straight or convex sides, no anthocyanic pigmentation in the veins, a bullate leaf blade, curly on the edges and underside, and a low to average density of raised and flat hairs.
- rounded grapes
在法国据说一开始的Viognier被称为“Viorne”,但无从考究,有质疑。现阶段,法国也可以称为Bergeron,Barbin,Rebelot,Greffou,Picotin Blanc,Vionnier,Petiti Vionnier,Viogné,Galopine,Vugava bijela。
法国质量上等的Viognier集中在北隆河谷,土壤是花岗岩和片岩为主。今年有去拜访Costières de Nîmes(行政区划在法南,AOC属Rhone Valley)的庄主,他认为南隆土壤相对潮湿,不适宜Viognier,且没有相对陡峭的坡度,排水弱,不过可与其他白葡萄混酿,酿造性价比不错的干白。Training和Pruning方式为Guyot。Cote-Rotie是强劲具有陈年潜力的Syrah红葡萄酒,混有不超过20%的Viognier以增加香气复杂度和细致度。法国南部的Viognier通常与Chardonnay混酿VDP,给我的印象是便宜好喝,在法国,甚至5欧就能买到一瓶不错的南部Viognier。
Condrieu:1940年法定产区建立。坐落在北隆河陡峭的梯田,土壤结构主要是表层结构的花岗岩和其余以大石头、云母、片岩和粘土等混合的当地被称为Arzelle的土质,这些Arzelle细微的土质充斥在蚀变的土质边缘内,通俗地说就是有裂缝,可以扎根下去,同时粘土也可以储备水分。Domaine Georges Vernay的Christine说过,Viognier本身是低酸的,如果你从中品尝出良好的酸度和freshness,那是由于condrieu的土质所影响。Christine表示Condrieu法定产区的葡萄都是全部地势朝南,有部分terroir不同的viognier只能做VDP。
(原文:fewer than 150 hectares of vineyards fighting for space on the steep banks of the river. Vineyards must also have a southerly exposure to the sun to qualify for the AoC, which means that as the river twists and turns you see teeny patches of vines that are classified only as vin de pays (yet sandwiched between condrieu vines) simply because they are tilted ever so slightly too much towards the east – no soil change, nothing but exposure.)。
Condrieu很少100%用新桶或者是部分使用橡木桶。Viognier本身已丰满圆润,传统的当地酿酒师觉得无需再过分装饰。不过E.Guigal的Condrieu La Doriane自1998年开始发酵和陈年使用全新橡木桶获得成功。笔者没有饮过此酒,无法给出感想。
附:Condrieu-Appellation regulations(Via wikipedia)
The Condrieu AOC can only be used for still white wines made from Viognier. The planting density must be at least 6 500 vines per hectare, and the base yield is 41 hectoliter per hectare. The grape must reach a maturity giving at least 178 g/l sugar in the must (corresponding to 10.5 per cent potential alcohol) and the finished wines must have at least 11.5 per cent alcohol by volume, but no more than 14 per cent after anychaptalisation. If the wine has more than 45 grams per liter of sugar (only applicable for rare sweet Condrieu wines), the must not have been chatalised to reach that sugar level.
一般来说,Condrieu的Viognier很少有被贵腐菌感染酿造Botrytis wine,但很少并不代表没有。名庄Yves Cuilleron有年产量仅3000瓶的CONDRIEU AYGUETS贵腐(500ml),Domaine Faury这个不知名的酒庄甚至有年产1000瓶的贵腐condrieu,但并不是每年都有合适的贵腐viognier可供酿造,有时酒庄会用风干后的Viognier酿造甜型Condrieu。
Château-Grillet:法国最小的AOC之一,4公顷都不到,2011被拉图酒庄买下。土壤质地相对Condrieu更细致分散,朝向更加朝南,采摘的时间比Condrieu早,装瓶比Condrieu晚,在橡木桶陈年至少2年。Chateau Grillet产量稀少,不稳定的质量长期被人诟病,曾和国内酒评家赵凤仪聊过此酒,凤仪老师喝过此酒,但并没有那么惊艳。笔者依旧没有喝过此酒,没有更多的发言权,欢迎酒友补充。
Beaumes de Venise
Château Grillet
Côte Rotie
Côtes du Rhône
Côtes du Rhône Villages
Côtes du Rhône Villages Cairanne
Côtes du Rhône Villages Chusclan
Côtes du Rhône Villages Laudun
Côtes du Rhône Villages Roaix
Côtes du Rhône Villages Rochegude
Côtes du Rhône Villages Rousset-les-Vignes
Côtes du Rhône Villages Sablet
Côtes du Rhône Villages Saint-Gervais
Côtes du Rhône Villages Saint-Maurice
Côtes du Rhône Villages Saint-Pantaléon-les-Vignes
Côtes du Rhône Villages Séguret
Côtes du Rhône Villages Valréas
Côtes du Rhône Villages Visan
Côtes du Vivarais
Costières de Nîmes
IGP /Vin de Pays d'Oc
IGP /Vin de Pays des Comtés Rhodaniens
IGP /Vin de pays de Méditerranée
IGP /Vin de Pays du val de loire
IGP /Vin de Pays du Comté Tolosan
IGP /Vin de pays de l’Atlantique
在1990年之前,我们在加州是几乎看不到Viognier的踪影。加州很少有100%的Viognier白葡萄酒,他们喜欢用Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc或Colombards去做混合的白葡萄酒。除了加州,华盛顿州也种植将近20多公顷的Viognier,曾经在华盛顿州葡萄酒的研讨会喝到过一款54%viognier,34%gewurztraminer,12%pinot gris的干白,非常好喝且不贵,三种葡萄的搭配十分新奇,Viognier是来自于其他地,然后调配。在出产优秀Pinot Noir的俄勒冈(Oregon)也有不错的Viognier,尤其是在俄勒冈的Rogue River valleys,该产区的Viognier骨架大,酒精度高,十分适合搭配山羊奶酪。
在美国的Colorado, Georgia, New York State, North Carolina, Texas and Virginia也都有Viognier.
附:Viticulture in the United States(可供WSET3-4学习者参考使用)
Both cane and spur systems are used, canes particularly in cooler regions. A commonly used system is bilateral cordons with closely spaced spurs (4 to 6 inches), each spur with two nodes. Cane pruning is less common. Two canes up to 30 inches long with 8 to 12 buds each are typical, along with two renewal spurs pruned to two nodes. Viognier is well adapted to a vertical-shoot-positioned system but does well on standard bilateral with foliage catch wiring with a “T” or “Y” top.
Trellising and Canopy Management
In California, vertical-shoot-positioned systems work well. Some growers have tried dividedcanopy trellises on deeper soils, but the vines usually don’t appear to be vigorous enough for this system except on very fertile soils or with the most vigorous rootstocks such as 140Ru, 110R,1103P, or Freedom.
澳洲也是Viognier比较大的种植国,但质量参差不齐。我们不得不提一下澳洲Viognier的先锋公司——Yalumba,早在1980年就种植Viognier,并且意识该葡萄的潜力。在澳大利亚,Viognier主要集中在Eden Valley, McLaren Vale和 Adelaide Hills,在凉爽的地方比较呈现柑橘的notes,温暖的地区更多有金银花的特性。
曾经喝过意大利托斯卡纳的100%Viognier,真心不喜欢,桶用的太厉害。Terroir的相似程度使得Piemonte也有一定比例的Viognier。西班牙如法国一样,其Viognier也与Grenache Blanc等葡萄混酿做白酒,主要在La Mancha有。智利的Viognier便宜好喝,没有十分优秀也没有过分槽糕,中规中矩,在Maipo Valley靠近海的区域有种植。阿根廷只喝过一次Mendoza的Viognier,淡如白水,是喝过最差的一次,当然也有优秀的,但市场难觅。笔者没有喝过新西兰的Viognier,个人认为那里的气候也是比较适合的,有推荐说Craggy Range的不错,大家可以尝试一下。在法国有幸喝过巴西产的Chenin Blanc和Viognier的混酿,在巴西卖六欧左右,非常易饮,酒主人是巴西女孩,告诉我们,此酒在巴西就当作啤酒一样喝,边看足球边狂饮。
Floral:Dried flowers,Hibiscus,Honeysuckle,Jasmine,Magnolia,Orange blossom,Iris,Rose
Fruity:Red apple,Apricot,Banana,Citrus,Grapefruit,Guava,Kiwi,Lemon,Mango,Nectarine,Peach,Pear,Pineapple,Orange Zest,Plum,Quince,Tangerine,Tropical fruit
Aging:Almond,Beeswax,Butter,Cream,Dried Fig,Honey,Nuts,Soy,Toasted oak,Vanilla
Spicy:Chamomile,Cinnamon,Clove,Ginger,Hay,Green grass,Mineral,Tea leaves
笔者只有一次在吃东北菜时搭配了一瓶较便宜的智利Viognier,该瓶Viognier部分使用了旧橡木桶,圆润同时爽口,年轻饮用。在喝酒吃饭的过程中并没有感到不和谐,搭配猪肉和清淡的蔬食时也比较平衡。对于其他较昂贵的法国产Viognier,笔者都是独饮,抱歉,实在无法在配餐上给到准确意见。不过以下摘录侍酒师大师Evan Goldstein对Viognier的配餐描述希望可以给到各位童鞋以帮助。
Master Sommelier Evan Goldstein, author of Perfect Pairings, has this to say about Viognier: “The flavor profile and texture are what make Viognier sing at the table. Not all matches are grounded in acidity. Though it makes pairing dishes with sharpness very difficult, preparations that stress brighter and fruitier elements (chutneys to mango salsas, Floribbean to South East Asian cuisines) rock, as do creamy textured sauces.”
Goldstein recommends pairing young versions of the wine with food that “suggests sweetness but are not really sweet,” such as Indian or Moroccan cuisines, braised chicken or stuffed trout, and ingredients that pick up fruit and spice flavors. Root veggies, pastas, grains, oily nuts, and richer fish or white meats are also good matches. It’s also an amazing compliment to shellfish such as scallops, crab, and lobster.
Try not to pair it with lighter foods. The wine is so expressive that the dish will be lost. Avoid very tart or sharp flavors, like vinaigrettes or other acid-based dressings, as well as high heat dishes—since Viognier is often high in alcohol, it will make the food seem even hotter.
“I love Viognier with cheese plates/assortments. It’s a slam dunk across a large range of cheeses post your meal, and with fried chicken—really!” Drink it young. Viognier is a wine to be consumed in its youth, mostly because of the aforementioned low acidity. “The charm of Viognier is in its young and flamboyant fruit, which will dissipate with age,” says Goldstein.