时间:2014-08-27 10:08:57 来源:酒云网 作者:酒云网

  2014年7月19日至23日,嘉雅酒庄全球形象大使Michela Inghese女士到访中国,与中国合作伙伴浩奈实业一起,举办了一系列巡回晚宴、品酒会及媒体发布会。

        无论是大型经销商晚宴,抑或是小型的VIP晚宴、媒体晚宴,无论是葡萄酒专家,抑或是初入门的爱好者,都为嘉雅高雅精妙的香气和丝滑复杂的酒体所折服。在7月23日晚举办的小型媒体晚宴上,十位媒体记者、酒评家与Michela Inghese女士一起,品鉴了酒庄的四款代表之作——灵鸟莎当妮干白、承诺干红、守望干红、黑鸟巴罗洛干红。灵鸟恰到好处的酸度、承诺馥郁的果香、守望饱满的结构、黑鸟复杂的变化都赢得了各自的粉丝。

        嘉雅酒庄创立于1859年,至今已传承至第五代。如今嘉雅葡萄酒是世界百大葡萄酒之一、意大利四大雅之一。只要一提起意大利的著名产区巴巴莱斯科和巴罗洛,绕不过的顶级品牌一定是Gaja。嘉雅的今天的巨大成功主要归功于现任庄主Angelo Gaja,他是颇具传奇色彩的巴巴莱斯科之王,他引领了意大利葡萄酒的酒业革命,对国际葡萄酒界造成了深远的影响。著名酒评家罗伯特.帕克说他是“意大利最具吸引力和革命性的酿酒师”。从他身上,能嗅到无穷的精力与战斗力,为了达到百分之百的完美,他用上百分之二百的力气,从葡萄的栽种、酿酒技术的讲究,到软木塞的挑选,为了有个理想的橡木桶,他甚至亲自风干木条。他不光使自家产品品质一直维持在高峰,也把巴巴莱斯科整个产区推上了世界瞩目的位置。近年来,嘉雅葡萄酒成为了意大利上流社会的宠儿,也赢得了众多好莱坞明星拥趸。其出产的每支酒都得到了很好的评价,但价钱也很惊人,可谓真正是“只为少数人”出产的佳酿。


Gaja, Only for Luxury

Ms. Michela Inghese, the ambassador of world famous Gaja winery, visited China on July 19th to 23th, and hold some dinner, wine tasting and press conference with its cooperator Hoonay wines.

Wine Specialists and entry-level wine lovers are both addicted by the delicate aromas and complicated taste of Gaja wines. In the small media dinner hold in July 23th, ten journalists and wine critics enjoyed four fantastic wines with Ms. Michela Inghese. Rossj-Bass white wine has fine perfume of citrus fruits and flowers, with good acidity and very fresh, Promis is a pleasant wine with elegance fruit nose, Ca' Marcanda has a solid structure and complexity, and for Dagromis, it is an outstanding Barolo with high aging potential.

Five generations of Gajas have been producing wines in Piedmont since 1859, the year Giovanni Gaja, founded the Gaja Winery in Barbaresco.Now Gaja is one of the most famous winery in Italy, its masterpiece, Gaja Sori'Tildin rank The Top 100 Wines of the World. When talks about wine region Barbaresco and Barolo, you will never ignore Gaja. Angelo Gaja, the current owner of Gaja, who has introduced Gaja to the world, is a great winemaker and also a wonderful market operator. He is a totally energetic fighter in wine making to produce outstanding wine. He follows family’s tradition - total dedication to uncompromising quality, make every effort to make great wine, even including barriques making. Now Gaja is considered as the representative of highest quality wines, and it also help Barbaresco become more famous in the world. Now Gaja has become very popular in Upper class, and won a lot of fans of famous stars and celebrities. Every wine they produce has good reputation, but on the other hand, also with high price, you can say Gaja wines are really “for luxury”.

As the importer in China, Hoonay wines is a company focus on Italy fine wines, now they have most famous wine brands such as Sassicaia, Antinori and Gaja. In the past three years, Hoonay has held some influential events in China, and established good reputation. Talking about the strategic plan, Mr. Giovanni Zhang, the general manager of Hoonay, said that Hoonay will continue to push Italy wines and culture in China. 



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